Thursday, February 21, 2013

Free Advice??

Chad and I have made the recent decision to not let Evan go to Pre K this next year.
He will be 4 in May and is allowed to go based on his age.  We feel that he is not mature enough to  handle it. While he has had an awesome teacher this year who has done an excellent job of teaching him the needed material we still don't think he can handle it. It's a decision we made and think it will truly benefit him in the long run.

However we are getting a lot of slack, questions, and grief etc... about it. Its not from anyone in particular. Our family has backed us in the decision and our close friends totally understand our decision. It's random people that seem to want to give us their opinion. They seem to want to jump at the chance to tell us we are making a poor choice.  I know I'm not the only one who experiences this. I've had numerous conversations with a very close friend about it. She home schools her child and is questioned and bugged all the time. (I know my teacher friends are rolling their eyes. She truly home schools her child and does an excellent job of it.)

So my question is why do people offer advice and pass judgement on others? Especially when the decision being made is not effecting their own child? I'm not harming mine in anyway possible. I just don't understand. It seems that many times people are quick to tell what they think is wrong but not look at the whole picture. Maybe I'm worried about nothing and should not let it bother me but sometimes it just gets old.

On another note can Spring please get here!!! I'm sick of the cold weather!