Sunday, January 6, 2013

It's a New Year!

We have officially moved into the 2013 year. The last year seemed to go by incredibly fast and parts of it are a blur to me. However 2012 was a successful year that brought some new changes.

Some highlights from 2012

Chad got a new job as a head coach, which is something he has been working towards.

I survived a major foot surgery, and have started a new journey in the running world

Sara and Evan survived surgeries and are on track to be healthy kiddos

We had our first ever adult trip to the beach with some fantastic friends

I was able to spend a few days in New York City with a great friend and my step-mom

Chad and I have started our final journey of working towards our Specialist Degree

I am looking forward to what the New Year brings. I am not good at setting new years resolutions or goals. I however have a few things that I am working on or want to accomplish this year.

1.  Wash a load of laundry each day. I am horrible at letting it back up!
2.  Completely clean the kitchen before I go to bed at night
3.  Run at least one half marathon
4.  Spend more time enjoying the little things in life with my kids. They are growing up too fast
5.  Be a better wife

Its might not be much to some but these are a few things I plan to work on this year.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should quit complaining! ; ) I have a feeling you are going to rock all your goals!
